How to Fix Sony TV dead no red light blinking bravia LCD tv repair service video tutorial get tv main, power, inverter, t-con, video, boards Click HERE: http...
A TV entra em modo de diagnóstico, com o led de stand-by piscando por sete vezes após um curto intervalo, sugerindo defeito na placa BAL ou HLR. Retornou da ...
Find Sony 1-474-296-11 Replacement Power Supply Unit (PSU) Boards at • 180-Day Warrant...
Set your TV in standy (use the green power butten on your remote), RED standby LED is ON on your TV. Now press these buttons in this order on your remote (po...
Stay Informed. Be the first to find out about the latest from Sony! Sony wants your feedback! If your Sony TV is ex... Sony ve diğer LCD televizyonlarda çok sık rastalan arızalardan birtanesi olan televizyon açıld...
Как устроен LED телевизор.